John F. Kennedy by Sarah Traynor


"The path we have chosen for the present is full of hazards, as all paths are. The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission."
     ~ John F. Kennedy~

Welcome to the site about John F. Kennedy!

May 29,1917-November 22,1963

May 29th 1917-John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born in Brookline, Massachusetts
June 1940- John graduated from Harvard
Sept. 1941- He enlists in the U.S. Navy
Nov. 1946- Kennedy was elected into the U.S. House of Representatives
Nov. 1952- He is elected to the U.S. Senate
Sept. 12, 1953- John and Jacqueline marry.
Sept. 1957-John's daughter, Caroline is born.
Nov. 1960-He's elected president of the United States and his son John F. Kennedy Jr. is born
March 1961- Kennedy establishes the Peace Corps.
April 17, 1961- U.S. sponsored invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs fails
Nov. 22, 1963- Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Texas

         John F. Kennedy was born May 29th, 1917. He was the first Roman Catholic to become president of the United States. His life was cut very short by his assassintation in 1963. He had only been in offce for 1,037 days where he had little time to complete his goals. Although his time was short in office, Kennedy was involved in many important events. On example was the Cuba and the Bay of Pigs Invasion. It was Kennedy's plan to get Castro out of power. The plan fell through and many of the exiles. Kennedy had to then negotiate the return of 1189 survivors. Kennedy was also involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis, he created the Peace Corps, and influence of the start of the Space Program. Even though Kennedy's time in the office was cut short, it's the assassination that many people remember about the Kennedys.
         The assassintation of John was done by Lee Harvey Oswald. Eventually Oswald would be shot by Jack Ruby two days later, before he could be put on trial. There are many theorys that Oswald didn't act alone and that it was a conspiracy. The details about J.F.K.'s assassination are bone chilling. He was shot two times, once in the throat and the second shot shattered his skull. Jacqueline was in the car when the shooting took place. She tried to keep his head together, but was unable to save her husband. At 1pm the president was declared dead, an hour and half later Lyndon Johnson was sworn in on Air Force One. Jacqueline can be seen in pictures wearing the blood spatterd suit. John was buried in Arlignton National Cemetery on Nov. 25, 1963.
       Overall John F. Kennedy was a very good man whose life was cut short. His family continued on and became very important to the American people. His son was tragically killed in plane crash in July of 1999. Caroline is very much still involved in politics, althought recently she has been involved in some not so good news. John F. Kennedy will always be remembered as one of the most important presidents.

Interesting Links:

White House Website Article

Miller Center of Public Affairs Article

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